December 2021: PhD student Rehan’s story on Education New Zealand “Massey student’s robotic gut capsule could be a game-changer”.
November 2021: PhD student Rehan obtained $10k grant from Palmerston North Medical Research Fund (PNMRF) for his “robotic capsule for gut” proposal.
November 2021: PhD student Rehan did an interview on the Radio New Zealand (RNZ) with Jesse Mulligan: “Student working on life changing robot capsule”.
October 2021: PhD student Rehan, who is working on “robotic capsule for gut microbiota sampling”, won the One Eighty Seconds of Your Research Study (180SRS) 2021 – PhD Category that is organised by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. Well done Rehan!
October 2021: We have a new paper “Inside the ensemble: Unlocking the potential of One-at-a-Time experiments with Lab-on-a-Chip automation” that is published in Lab On a Chip. The publication is also highlighted as one of Lab on a Chip HOT articles 2021!
September 2021: PhD student Rehan, who is working on “robotic capsule for gut microbiota sampling”, won the 2021 Falling Walls Lab competition that is organised by Royal Society Te Apārangi. Rehan also won the people’s choice award based on online voting. As the national winner, Rehan will represent New Zealand during the international Falling Walls Lab competition that is happening in Berlin on 7th of November 2021. Well done Rehan!
September 2021: Ebu has been invited to be a member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE-RAS) Technical Committee on Micro/Nano Robotics and Automation.
September 2021: We have a new paper “Towards Gut Microbiota Sampling Using Untethered Sampling Device” that is published in IEEE Access.
August 2021: We have a new paper “Optical microlever assisted DNA stretching” that is published in Optics Express.
July 2021: Our conference paper “Mechanical Characterisation of Robotic Capsule Anchoring Mechanism for Gastrointestinal Tract” was the finalist of the best paper and the best student paper awards in the 7th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (JSME ICAM 2021), Aichi, Japan. Well done Andrew and Rehan!
May 2021: We have a new paper “Measurement of Peristaltic Forces Exerted by Living Intestine on Robotic Capsule” that is published in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.
March 2021: Ebu is organising “Recent Advances in Micro/Nano Robotics” session in The 7th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM 2021, Aichi, Japan) together with Hisataka Maruyama (Nagoya University, Japan). Submission deadline is 19 March 2021.
February 2021: PhD student Kate received the student talk prize for her presentation “Optical Micromachines for Molecule Stretching” during the MacDiarmid Institute Annual Symposium and Future Leaders’ Programme in Rotorua, New Zealand. Well done Kate!
January 2021: We organised a 1-week long MacDiarmid Institute Discovery Camp for High School Students who joined us from various parts of New Zealand.